
09 October 2024

Extension of Parental Leave: New Law Approved in Portugal

In September 2024, the Portuguese Parliament approved a citizens' initiative that extends parental leave from 120 to 180 days, with full pay. 

This change, proposed by a group of citizens, represents a significant step forward in supporting families and promoting a better balance between personal and professional life.

Until now, initial parental leave lasted 120 days, with the option to extend to 150 days, though at a reduced pay rate of 80%. With this new measure, parents will be entitled to 180 days of leave, fully paid. There is also the possibility to extend this period to 210 days, with pay reduced to 80%.

The approval of this law has been welcomed with enthusiasm, highlighting its positive impact on family life, particularly in strengthening bonds between parents and newborns during the crucial first months. Research shows that parental presence during this period is vital for the healthy development of the child and for reinforcing family relationships.

The new law will now enter the discussion and practical implementation phase, with more details on its application to be confirmed. It remains unclear whether families currently on parental leave will benefit from these changes.

This extension of parental leave is seen as a major step towards improving family living conditions, helping to create a more sustainable balance between family and work responsibilities, and encouraging greater parental involvement in their children's care and education from the very start.
